Rev. Elliott Robinson Discusses Jim Crow Laws on Podcast

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

  • Jim Crow Laws Overview

  • Rev. Robinson's Expertise

  • Leadership and Advocacy

  • Podcasts and Publications


Rev. Elliott Robinson, a respected public theologian and preacher, shares his extensive knowledge of Jim Crow laws and their impact on America through his podcasts and other platforms.

Jim Crow Laws Overview

Jim Crow laws were state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation in the Southern United States from the late 19th to mid-20th century. The laws enforced separation of blacks and whites in public places and denied equal rights.

Rev. Robinson's Expertise

With graduate degrees in divinity and law, Rev. Robinson has in-depth expertise on issues of justice and racial oppression. His principle of "Love God, Love People" guides his work.

Leadership and Advocacy

Rev. Robinson demonstrates moral leadership through advocacy campaigns against injustice. He also serves in ministry leadership roles in his church community.

Podcasts and Publications

On his podcast Creative Tension, Rev. Robinson takes an in-depth look at the fight against injustice. He also launched an online publication called The Justice Forum to examine justice issues. Through these platforms and his sermons, Rev. Robinson shares his scholarly understanding of laws and systems that have oppressed black Americans.

Leveraging his robust knowledge of history, law, and theology, Rev. Elliott Robinson provides invaluable perspective on Jim Crow laws and ongoing work for justice through his sermons, podcasts, and writing.

—This article was written, restructured, or adapted by Russell with information gathered from sources around the internet. Russell is the producer of Amber Live and is greatly overworked to pull it all together.  If it’s on the internet, it must be true. (We’re kidding.) BUT, if you find any errors or omissions in the article, please let us know so that we may correct the issue. Thanks for your support!

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