LGBTQ Author and Military Drag Queen Jay Claypool

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to LGBTQ Author and Military Drag Queen Jay Claypool

  • Jay Claypools Early Years

    • Discovering Drag and the Nightclub Scene

  • A Patriotic Calling

  • Dual Existence

  • A Message of Hope

Introduction to LGBTQ Author and Military Drag Queen Jay Claypool

Jay Claypool's memoir, "GAY AF: The Military Career of a Georgia Drag Queen," is an inspiring story of service, self-expression, and a wild ride through life's adventures. It is a candid account of the author's unconventional life that spans a 20+ year career in the United States Air Force, his drag persona Dixie Crystal, a tumultuous childhood, and plenty of joy and humor along the way. Amber LeMay had the chance to talk with Jay about his amazing careers and his fabulous new book, an interview you can watch in the video above.

LGBTQ author and drag queen Jay Claypool

Jay Claypool’s Early Years

Growing up gay in the conservative South led to both persecution and isolation for Jay Claypool. However, he finally found solace and a sense of community as a young drag performer, Dixie Crystal, frequently gracing the stages of Augusta, Georgia nightclubs. His alter ego, Dixie Crystal, allowed him to express his authentic self and forge friendships within the local LGBTQ scene, as well as meeting people who mentored and guided him through these formative years.

Jay Claypool as Dixie Crystal LGBTQ author and drag queen

As his lifestyle evolved and his career as a performer blossomed, Claypool felt a growing longing for a higher calling and a new environment. The vibrant nightclub scene provided a safe haven and creative outlet, but he yearned for something greater that appeared in a most unexpected way.

A Patriotic Calling

In the wake of the 9/11 tragedy, Jay Claypool's sense of patriotism and desire to contribute to a greater cause intensified. Driven by his newfound patriotism, Claypool made the bold decision to join the United States Air Force, embarking on a journey that would challenge him in ways he had never imagined. The picture below shows Jay in his uniform as a proud member of the armed services.

Dual Existence

Unfortunately, Claypool's military career coincided with the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" era, a period marked by tension and uncertainty for LGBTQ+ service members who were forced to hide their true selves. Navigating this complex landscape in the military, he had to carefully balance his authentic self with the demands of service.

Despite the challenges, Claypool found ways to embrace his individuality and reconcile his identity as a drag performer with his role as an Air Force serviceman. He would work during the day as a member of the Air Force, and go out at night to perform as his drag persona. All while hiding this night time activity from the other members of the Air Force.

A Message of Hope

Throughout his memoir, Claypool shares gritty details of struggle, comical stories, moments of deep sadness, and wild adventures, all with a steady, insightful eye for the lessons contained within each experience. His journey is a testament to perseverance and the human spirit's capacity to overcome adversity.

While the focus is autobiographical, Claypool also provides an inspirational message of hope and fortitude for readers who may be struggling with their own identity, sexuality, or place in society. His story shows a path to relentless authenticity, self-discovery, and the ability to reconcile individuality with an unwelcoming social climate.

Cover art for GAY AF by LGBTQ author and drag queen Jay Claypool

"GAY AF: The Military Career of a Georgia Drag Queen" is a compelling and inspiring memoir that celebrates the power of individuality, resilience, and the pursuit of one's dreams. Claypool's journey is a reminder that true freedom lies in embracing our authentic selves, even in the face of adversity. His story is a beacon of hope for anyone navigating the complexities of identity, sexuality, and self-expression, particularly within the ranks of the military.

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—This article was written, restructured, or adapted by Russell with information gathered from sources around the internet. Russell is the producer of Amber Live and is greatly overworked to pull it all together. If it’s on the internet, it must be true. (We’re kidding.) BUT, if you find any errors or omissions in the article, please let us know so that we may correct the issue. Thanks for your support!

author Russell

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