How Drag Queens Create Curves: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks for a Curved Figure.

A drag queen in black with her back to the camera in an all red room

Table of Contents

  • Padding

  • Hip and Butt Enhancers

  • Breastplates and Bra Stuffing

  • Cinching the Waist

  • Make-up Contouring


One of the key techniques drag queens use to create the illusion of curves is padding. They often wear padded undergarments like padded panties, bras, and hip pads to add shape to areas like the hips, butt, and chest. Quality foam, silicone or fiberfill padding creates a realistic look and feel. Drag queens use padding in layers and strategic placement to achieve an exaggerated feminine silhouette.

Hip and Butt Enhancers

In addition to padding, many drag queens wear specialized hip and butt padding garments. These are used to create the illusion of wider hips and a rounded butt. Butt pads and hip pads come in many shapes and sizes to accommodate different body types and desired effects. Well-fitted enhancers help create a seamless feminine shape.

Drag Queen Butt Padding

Breastplates and Bra Stuffing

To create the bust, drag queens have two main options - breastplates or bra stuffing. Breastplates are prosthetics worn over the chest to simulate breasts. High quality breastplates look very realistic but can be expensive. A budget-friendly option is stuffing the bra with padding materials to create the desired breast shape and cleavage. Many drag queens use a combination of breast forms and stuffing for the most natural effect. For an inexpensive hack from Amber LeMay, fill the toes of some old pantyhose with birdseed and stuff your bra with them. Just be careful not to rip them and don’t leave them in your moist basement over the winter. They will rot and mice will find them! That’s coming from experience!

Cinching the Waist

Cinching the waist is key to achieving an hourglass figure. Drag queens may wear corsets and tight fitting garments to slim and define their waistline. Cinching the waist establishes more dramatic curves by accentuating the difference between the narrow waist and fuller hips and chest. A cinched waist transforms the entire silhouette.

A corset

Make-up Contouring

Make-up is also an essential tool for creating curves. Contouring with highlights and shadows can be used to sculpt the face and body. Drag queens use contouring to emphasize facial femininity, create higher cheekbones, and add depth and angles to areas like the nose, jawline and collarbones. Contoured make-up enhances the illusion of curves on stage. Check out the makeup line of our friend DJ Rockstar Aaron.

DJ Rockstar Aaron

With the right padding, enhancers, cinching and make-up techniques, drag queens are able to transform their bodies and achieve a sensational feminine silhouette and hourglass shape. The artistry and illusion in creating curves is an important part of their act and stage persona. With practice and the right tools, drag queens can amplify their assets and create stunning feminine curves.

—This article was written, restructured, or adapted by Russell with information gathered from sources around the internet. Russell is the producer of Amber Live and is greatly overworked to pull it all together.  If it’s on the internet, it must be true. (We’re kidding.) BUT, if you find any errors or omissions in the article, please let us know so that we may correct the issue. Thanks for your support!

Article Author Russell

What is the Difference Between a Drag Queen and a Transvestite?


Tara Lipsyncki: Trailblazing Transgender Activist, Author, and Performer