Amber LeMay interviews out PA Rep. Brian Sims


January 18th, 2021

For Immediate Release 

BURLINGTON VT:  The one and only Amber LeMay, host of Amber Live! interviewed outspoken PA State Rep. Brian Sims on Amber Live!  Topics included the now famous covid video Rep. Sims released in May, his current issues around the DC Riot with Doug Mastriano, LGBTQ+ rights, and what office he might consider running for next.

Rep. Sims told Amber, “You know how often LGBTQ people, people of color, immigrants, we get used as sort of the tip of the spear in a lot of fights.  And I think that’s been the case certainly in my legislature.   I have a colleague, a Senator who was was a retired US Army Colonel, a former professor at the US Army War College, who was instrumental in the drum beat leading up to the attack on the Capitol on the 6th.  He was a speaker before that, and a speaker at the riot, the day before. He used campaign funds to bus people from what he calls his army, Mastriano’s Amy, to the Capitol that day.  We don’t know yet if he was carrying a weapon. He hasn’t answered that.  We do know that things like seditious conspiracy, sedition, treason are real terms of law.  Not just terms of ardor.  They have elements. I believe his behavior has risen to those elements.  And I think he should be prosecuted.  And I believe he should be expelled from the general assembly.”

Amber LeMay and Brian Sims

The full interview can be viewed at

Amber’s streaming talk show, Amber Live! is available for viewing at or

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Press Contact: Russell Dreher at
Note to Editors: Additional photos and video available upon request